Distant Peaks, Ramsau

Most photographic compositions are not apparent at first sight. But tenacity and experience will eventually lead the way to success, even in difficult situations. Often the best compositions will ly behind you, only visible by a look over your shoulder.
The Strange Paths of Inspiration

Creativity is fueled by inspiration.
But inspiration is not always the starting point, it can also come late in the creative process and steer it in a new and surprising direction.
Fear Of The Dark

Light is the essence of photography. Since the early ages of the craft photographers have feared the dark, and not without reason.
But do these reasons still apply?
Autumnal Foliage And Loch, Wester Ross, Scotland

Deeply hidden in the Scottish Highlands one can find a true photographic gem which will offer lots of photo opportunities year round. But in autumn it will shine in full glory.